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ジェームス・テイラーのPMCでみつけた!Red Hot Chili Peppers「ONE HOT MINUTE」


Red Hot Chili Peppers(レッド・ホット・チリ・ペッパーズ)

ONE HOT MINUTE(ワン・ホット・ミニット)」(1995年)


レッド・ホット・チリ・ペッパーズは、1990年代は大変な時期でした。「アンダー・ザ・ブリッジ 」と「ギヴ・イット・アウェイ」のシングルの影響で、 1991年にリリースされたアルバム「ブラッド・シュガー・セックス・マジック」はバンドの世界中の大ブレーキになりました。1992年にギタリストのジョン・フルシアンテは突然辞め。その後、いろんなギタリストがバンドに加入しましたが、誰もバンドに合いませんでした。


 「ワン・ホット・ミニット」を作る時にもう一つの問題がありました。歌手と歌詞を作るアンソニー・キーディスは秘密にヘロインとコカインの使用に再発しました。デイヴ・ナヴァロはバンドに入る前からヘロインを使っていて、メンバー同士の関係が早く悪くなってきました。アンソニー・キーディスが書いた歌詞に聞くと、薬物との闘いを明らかに分かります。特に「ワープト」、「エアロプレイン」と「マイ・フレンズ 」です。そして「ティアー・ジャーガー」の歌詞のテーマはカート・コバーンの志望です。








* KITPMCとは:金沢工業大学がライブラリー・センターに設置しているレコード・ライブラリー「ポピュラー・ミュージック・コレクション」の頭文字をとった略称。全て寄贈されたレコードで構成され、26万枚を所蔵している。





Red Hot Chili Peppers – ‘One Hot Minute’


The 1990s were a difficult decade for Red Hot Chili Peppers. A year after their international breakthrough with ‘Blood Sugar Sex Magik’ in 1991, on the back of the success of singles like ‘Under the Bridge’ and ‘Give It Away’, their guitarist John Frusciante abruptly quit. The band enlisted a string of replacements during the following years, but none seemed to fit in.


This album, ‘One Hot Minute’, was released in 1995 with Dave Navarro, formerly of Jane’s Addiction, as guitarist. Because Frusciante had modelled himself on the guitarist before him, Hillel Slovak, he fitted into what many people considered the band’s signature funk-influenced style, both in terms of music and personality. It helped that he had never been in a band before. Navarro, on the other hand, brought his own playing style, influenced by heavy metal and classic rock, and experience of being in a successful band. Things didn’t gel for the band and their new guitarist.


At the same time, the band was struggling with drugs, as they had for most of their career. In particular, singer and lyricist Anthony Kiedis had relapsed and was using heroin and cocaine again. Navarro was also regularly using heroin, which increased the tension between the band members.


Kiedis’ struggles with addiction come through in the lyrics, particularly to ‘Warped’, ‘My Friends’, and ‘Aeorplane’. He also writes about Kurt Cobain’s death in ‘Tearjerker’. After Frusciante’s departure, more of the writing and production fell on the shoulders of the bassist Flea. Although he usually wrote most of the music, for this album he also had to contribute lyrics. His lyrics to ‘Transcending’ are about the death of his friend River Phoenix, and ‘Pea’ (which Flea also sings) is a rant against people who used to beat him up for being smaller than them.


The singles were moderately successful, but the album overall was a disappointment for many critics and fans. It’s clear now how much the band themselves don’t really like ‘One Hot Minute’: only one song was included on the band’s Greatest Hits in 2003; most of the songs on ‘One Hot Minute’ have not been played at all since the end of the One Hot Minute tour; and three songs weren’t even played on that tour.


That’s not to say ‘One Hot Minute’ is a bad album; it’s not. But without Frusciante’s distinctive backing vocals, and with Navarro’s different guitar style, it sounds a bit strange to people like me who started listening to the band when Frusciante was the guitarist. ‘One Hot Minute’ is unlike any other Red Hot Chili Peppers album, and for that reason it is worth a listen: it shows an unusual – and unhappy – interlude in the band’s career.


* The Popular Music Collection (PMC) is located in Kanazawa Institute of Technology’s Library Center, and is the home of 260,000 donated and catalogued LPs, which are available for listening.


James Taylor

James Taylor presents ‘Lost in Music’ at 5.30 PM on the third Tuesday of every month.