ジェームス・テイラーのPMCでみつけた!Louis Jordan and His Tympany Five「LOUIS JORDAN」
Louis Jordan and His Tympany Five(ルイ・ジョーダンと彼のティンパニ・ファイブ)
「LOUIS JORDAN(ルイ・ジョーダン)」(1982年)
このレコードに入っているいくつかの曲もお父さんのカセットに入っていました:「モーという名の5人の男」、「ベイビー お前は誰のもの?」、「チュー・チュー・チ・ブギ」、「ヒヨッコばかりが集まって」、「オープン・ザ・ドア・リチャード」、「ラン・ジョー」、「スクール・デイズ」、「サタデイ・ナイト・フィッシュ・フライ」。
レコードの1曲目、「レット・ザ・グッド・タイムズ・ロール」はルイ・ジョーダンが1946年にリリースしてから何回もブルーズやロックのアーティストがカバーをした曲です。「ベイビー お前は誰のもの?」もよくカバーされました。そして、英語のタイトルの文法はおかしくて目立つ曲です。「チュー・チュー・チ・ブギ」はリズムとオノマトペを使った機関車のような曲です。「サタデイ・ナイト・フィッシュ・フライ」はチャック・ベリーが小さいころで大きな影響を受けた曲です。そして、ロックンロールの始まりと時々言われています。
* KIT・PMCとは:金沢工業大学がライブラリー・センターに設置しているレコード・ライブラリー「ポピュラー・ミュージック・コレクション」の頭文字をとった略称。全て寄贈されたレコードで構成され、27万枚を所蔵している。
Louis Jordan and His Tympany Five – Louis Jordan (1982)
Louis Jordan made his name as a singer and bandleader in the USA from the 1930s to the 1950s. This record is a compilation of hit singles he performed with his band, the Tympany Five. The recordings on this 1982 release range from 1942 to 1950, when Jordan was at the height of his fame.
Listening to these songs brings back childhood memories for me. When I was young, my dad listened to a lot of jazz, and I remember he had a Louis Jordan cassette that we often listened to in the car. I particularly remember it from summer holidays when I was primary school age. For my dad’s birthday one year we bought him a video of the stage show ‘Five Guys Named Moe’, which used many of Jordan’s hits.
Several of the songs on this compilation were on the cassette that my dad had: ‘Five Guys Named Moe’, ‘Is You Is or Is You Ain't My Baby’, ‘Choo Choo Ch'Boogie’, ‘Ain't Nobody Here But Us Chickens’, ‘Open The Door Richard’, ‘Run Joe’, ‘School Days’, and ‘Saturday Night Fish Fry’.
‘Let the Good Times Roll’ is a song that countless blues and rock artists have covered on record or in concert since it was released by Jordan in 1946. ‘Is You Is or Is You Ain't My Baby’ is another song that has been covered by many artists over the years. It’s also recognisable because the title, although appearing grammatically incorrect, uses common phrasing of Black people of the era. ‘Choo Choo Ch'Boogie’ is interesting for its use of onomatopoeia and the accompanying rhythm that perfectly matches the rhythm of a steam locomotive. ‘Saturday Night Fish Fry’ was an early precursor to rock ‘n’ roll, and was cited by Chuck Berry as a record that had an effect on him as an aspiring musician.
I knew a lot of the songs but not much about Jordan himself. It seems he was multi-talented, and influential on a number of genres, including jazz, big band, swing, blues, rap, and rock ‘n’ roll. In fact, many of the songs here show that Louis Jordan could be seen as a bridge between jazz and rock ‘n’ roll.
* The Popular Music Collection (PMC) is located in Kanazawa Institute of Technology’s Library Center, and is the home of 270,000 donated and catalogued LPs, which are available for listening.
James Taylor
James Taylor presents ‘Lost in Music’ at 5.30 PM on the third Tuesday of every month.