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ジェームス・テイラーのPMCでみつけた!Buzzcocks「Singles Going Steady」


Buzzcocks(バズコックス)「Singles Going Steady(シングルズ・ゴーイング・ステディ)」(1980年)





* KIT・PMCとは:金沢工業大学がライブラリー・センターに設置しているレコード・ライブラリー「ポピュラー・ミュージック・コレクション」の頭文字をとった略称。全て寄贈されたレコードで構成され、27万枚を所蔵している。


Buzzcocks – ‘Singles Going Steady’ (1980)

I first came across the English punk band Buzzcocks when watching the Pearl Jam concert DVD, ‘Live at the Garden’ (2003). Buzzcocks had been a support act on part of the tour, and a couple of members came on stage late in the show to perform with Pearl Jam. Earlier in the show, Pearl Jam tagged part of the Buzzcocks song ‘Why Can’t I Touch It?’ onto the end of one of their own songs. Always keen to investigate artists that influenced my favourite bands, I looked into Buzzcocks a bit more, and bought ‘Singles Going Steady’ on CD soon after.
Coincidentally, around the same time, some of my friends became aware of Buzzcocks too, but through a different source: a cover of their most famous song, ‘Ever Fallen in Love (With Someone You Shouldn’t’ve)’, was included on the soundtrack to the film ‘Shrek 2’.

‘Singles Going Steady’ is a compilation of Buzzcocks’ first 8 singles and accompanying B-sides in chronological order. What I didn’t realise until doing some background reading for this blog is that the compilation was released in the US in 1979 as an introduction to Buzzcocks, and not released in the UK until after the band split up late in 1981, where it acted as a retrospective.

Despite punk’s reputation for being loud and lacking melody (as I wrote about in December 2020), ‘Singles Going Steady’ is full of catchy songs that are more pop rock than punk rock. Along with the aforementioned ‘Ever Fallen in Love (With Someone You Shouldn’t’ve)’ and ‘Why Can’t I Touch It?’ are pop gems like ‘What Do I Get?’ and ‘Everybody’s Happy Nowadays’. With their songs about sex, unrequited love, hooking up, breaking up, and so much more, Buzzcocks and ‘Singles Going Steady’ show that punk doesn’t necessarily just mean anger and noise.

* The Popular Music Collection (PMC) is located in Kanazawa Institute of Technology’s Library Center, and is the home of 270,000 donated and catalogued LPs, which are available for listening.

James Taylor
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