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ジェームス・テイラーのPMCでみつけた!「 ラストエンペラー」オリジナルサウンドトラック


‘THE LAST EMPEROR’「 ラストエンペラー」OST(1987年)

「ラストエンペラー」は1987年にリリースされたベルナルド・ベルトルッチ監督の映画です。「ラストエンペラー」は中国の最後の皇帝になった愛新覚羅 溥儀(プーイー)の人生を語る映画です。溥儀は6歳に皇帝になって、12歳に退位をやらされて、その後は日本は満州国皇帝をやらされて、戦争後に収容されました。釈放後は普通の国民として生活しました。





* KIT・PMCとは:金沢工業大学がライブラリー・センターに設置しているレコード・ライブラリー「ポピュラー・ミュージック・コレクション」の頭文字をとった略称。全て寄贈されたレコードで構成され、27万枚を所蔵している。


‘The Last Emperor’ Original Soundtrack (1987)

‘The Last Emperor’ is a 1987 film directed by Bernardo Bertolucci that tells through flashbacks the life story of Puyi, who became the last emperor of China as a small boy, abdicated after revolution, was used by the Japanese as a puppet to give the appearance of legitimacy to their rule in Manchuria, and was later imprisoned by the Chinese Communist Party.

The film won nine Oscars at the 60th Academy Awards, including Best Original Score for this soundtrack, which contains nine compositions by Ryuichi Sakamoto, five by David Byrne, and one by Cong Su.

I lived in China for three years before moving to Japan. I was – and still am – interested in China and Chinese history, and although ‘The Last Emperor’ is not a completely accurate portrayal of the people and events of Puyi’s lifetime, it’s still a fascinating film. And, because it’s an epic (nearly three hours long), watching it while in China was a truly engrossing experience.

Listening to the soundtrack now, Sakamoto’s compositions in the first half of the record feature instruments that effectively evoke a (perhaps idealised, fictional) feeling of China without falling into the trap of using stereotypical tropes that a less skilful or subtle composer might have. The second half of the record features music by David Byrne of Taking Heads and Cong Su. These pieces complement Sakamoto’s compositions and the images on the screen.

Even without the images of the film to accompany it, the soundtrack to ‘The Last Emperor’ alone can feel immersive, which is surely the sign of an effective soundtrack.

* The Popular Music Collection (PMC) is located in Kanazawa Institute of Technology’s Library Center, and is the home of 270,000 donated and catalogued LPs, which are available for listening.

James Taylor
James Taylor presents ‘Lost in Music’ at 5.30 PM on the third Tuesday of every month.