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オーソン・ウェルズ「War of the Worlds」


オーソン・ウェルズ 「War of the Worlds(宇宙戦争)」(1969年)






* KIT・PMCとは:金沢工業大学がライブラリー・センターに設置しているレコード・ライブラリー「ポピュラー・ミュージック・コレクション」の頭文字をとった略称。全て寄贈されたレコードで構成され、28万枚を所蔵している。


Orson Welles – ‘War of the Worlds’ (1969)

October is, of course, the month of Halloween, and one of the most innovative radio broadcasts of all time happened on 30th October, 1938 – the night before Halloween. The production was an adaptation of H. G. Wells’ novel, ‘The War of the Worlds’. The mind behind the production, and the voice at the front of it, was that of Orson Welles: director, actor, maverick, and genius.

By the late 1930s, Orson Welles had made a name for himself in the theatre as an actor and director, particularly with a radical production of ‘Macbeth’ in 1936. At the same time as he was working in theatre, he was leading weekly radio productions of classic literature with the Mercury Theatre on the Air.

It was with the Mercury Theatre that Welles created this memorable adaptation of ‘The War of the Worlds’. Instead of simply adapting the text in a traditional manner, the Mercury Theatre production used the format of breaking news bulletins interrupting so-called regular programmes and music to announce that Martians had landed in New Jersey and were invading Earth. The second half of the production followed the more traditional method of a survivor, played by Welles, experiencing the world after the invasion.

There had never been anything like this before, and that was what led some listeners to feel they had been deceived when they believed there really had been an alien invasion. Over the years, that reaction of the minority has been inflated to create the legend of this production and of Welles himself.

Orson Welles would go on to write, direct, produce, and star in one of the greatest films of all time, 1940’s ‘Citizen Kane’.

* The Popular Music Collection (PMC) is located in Kanazawa Institute of Technology’s Library Center, and is the home of 280,000 donated and catalogued LPs, which are available for listening.

James Taylor
James Taylor presents ‘Lost in Music’ at 5.30 PM on the third Tuesday of every month.