

ジェームス・テイラーのPMCでみつけた!Barenaked Ladies「BORN ON A PIRATE SHIP」


Barenaked Ladies(ベアネイキッド・レディース)

BORN ON A PIRATE SHIP(ボーン・オン・ア・パイレーツ・シップ」(1996年)






「ホエン・アイ・フォール」:この曲の歌詞は高層ビルの窓を掃除する人の話です。窓を掃除している時、中にどんな人を見るや自分の孤独の気持ちや高所恐怖症を歌っています。この曲のテーマは何だろう。自殺?うつ病?転職?宗教?曖昧です。最後の方に歌詞が「if I fall」(もし落ちたら)から「when I fall」(落ちる時)に代わります。










* KITPMCとは:金沢工業大学がライブラリー・センターに設置しているレコード・ライブラリー「ポピュラー・ミュージック・コレクション」の頭文字をとった略称。







Barenaked Ladies – ‘Born on a Pirate Ship’ (1996)


Barenaked Ladies are well known for their witty lyrics that often come from slightly unusual perspectives, and the songs on ‘Born on a Pirate Ship’ are no exception. I’d like to pick out five songs from this album that I think are particularly notable.


‘The Old Apartment’: this song is sung from the point of view of someone who has broken into the apartment where they used to live to look around, rummage through the new residents’ things, and see how things have changed since they moved out. ‘The Old Apartment’ was the only song from this album that they played when I saw them at Hammersmith Apollo in 2007 with my brother Ed and sister-in-law Kim. It was also the opening song of their first greatest hits compilation.


‘When I Fall’: this is sung from the point of view of someone who cleans the windows on high-rise office blocks, commenting on the people he sees inside as well as his own feelings of loneliness and fear of heights. Is it about suicide? Depression? Career change? Religion? It’s very ambiguous. Listen out for the switch in phrasing at the end from “if I fall” to “when I fall”.


‘Break Your Heart’: this is a powerful vocal from Steven Page, sung from the point of view of someone who is in a relationship that he wants to end but is too cowardly to finish, so he repeatedly lies, and although he gets what he wants i.e. the end of the relationship, he regrets that it ends acrimoniously


‘Straw Hat and Old Dirty Hank’: this one is from the perspective of a farmer who has developed a dangerous obsession with a pop star who he heard on the radio, which turns into stalking and murder. The tune contrasts so much with the lyrical content that you don’t notice the subject at first; it’s much more upbeat than this description sounds. It’s based on a true story.


‘Shoebox’: the last song I want to introduce is the last song on the album. ‘Shoebox’ is about a teenager who pretends to be older and dates an adult, keeping their real life a secret (under the bed in a “shoebox of lies”).


‘Born on a Pirate Ship’ is an overlooked album for a couple of reasons. Firstly, it was followed by the live album ‘Rock Spectacle’, which features impressive renditions of four of the songs mentioned above. Secondly, the band’s next studio album, ‘Stunt’, was their international breakthrough thanks to hits like ‘One Week’ and ‘It’s All Been Done’. Despite that, ‘Born on a Pirate Ship’ is worth a listen for the unusual lyrical content and catchy tunes.


* The Popular Music Collection (PMC) is located in Kanazawa Institute of Technology’s Library Center, and is the home of 270,000 donated and catalogued LPs, which are available for listening.


James Taylor

James Taylor presents ‘Lost in Music’ at 5.30 PM on the third Tuesday of every month.

ジェームス・テイラーのPMCでみつけた!Louis Jordan and His Tympany Five「LOUIS JORDAN」


Louis Jordan and His Tympany Five(ルイ・ジョーダンと彼のティンパニ・ファイブ) 

LOUIS JORDAN(ルイ・ジョーダン)」(1982年)




 このレコードに入っているいくつかの曲もお父さんのカセットに入っていました:「モーという名の5人の男」、「ベイビー お前は誰のもの?」、「チュー・チュー・チ・ブギ」、「ヒヨッコばかりが集まって」、「オープン・ザ・ドア・リチャード」、「ラン・ジョー」、「スクール・デイズ」、「サタデイ・ナイト・フィッシュ・フライ」。 


レコードの1曲目、「レット・ザ・グッド・タイムズ・ロール」はルイ・ジョーダンが1946年にリリースしてから何回もブルーズやロックのアーティストがカバーをした曲です。「ベイビー お前は誰のもの?」もよくカバーされました。そして、英語のタイトルの文法はおかしくて目立つ曲です。「チュー・チュー・チ・ブギ」はリズムとオノマトペを使った機関車のような曲です。「サタデイ・ナイト・フィッシュ・フライ」はチャック・ベリーが小さいころで大きな影響を受けた曲です。そして、ロックンロールの始まりと時々言われています。



* KITPMCとは:金沢工業大学がライブラリー・センターに設置しているレコード・ライブラリー「ポピュラー・ミュージック・コレクション」の頭文字をとった略称。全て寄贈されたレコードで構成され、27万枚を所蔵している。





Louis Jordan and His Tympany Five – Louis Jordan (1982)


Louis Jordan made his name as a singer and bandleader in the USA from the 1930s to the 1950s. This record is a compilation of hit singles he performed with his band, the Tympany Five. The recordings on this 1982 release range from 1942 to 1950, when Jordan was at the height of his fame.


Listening to these songs brings back childhood memories for me. When I was young, my dad listened to a lot of jazz, and I remember he had a Louis Jordan cassette that we often listened to in the car. I particularly remember it from summer holidays when I was primary school age. For my dad’s birthday one year we bought him a video of the stage show ‘Five Guys Named Moe’, which used many of Jordan’s hits.


Several of the songs on this compilation were on the cassette that my dad had: ‘Five Guys Named Moe’, ‘Is You Is or Is You Ain't My Baby’, ‘Choo Choo Ch'Boogie’, ‘Ain't Nobody Here But Us Chickens’, ‘Open The Door Richard’, ‘Run Joe’, ‘School Days’, and ‘Saturday Night Fish Fry’.


‘Let the Good Times Roll’ is a song that countless blues and rock artists have covered on record or in concert since it was released by Jordan in 1946. ‘Is You Is or Is You Ain't My Baby’ is another song that has been covered by many artists over the years. It’s also recognisable because the title, although appearing grammatically incorrect, uses common phrasing of Black people of the era. ‘Choo Choo Ch'Boogie’ is interesting for its use of onomatopoeia and the accompanying rhythm that perfectly matches the rhythm of a steam locomotive. ‘Saturday Night Fish Fry’ was an early precursor to rock ‘n’ roll, and was cited by Chuck Berry as a record that had an effect on him as an aspiring musician.


I knew a lot of the songs but not much about Jordan himself. It seems he was multi-talented, and influential on a number of genres, including jazz, big band, swing, blues, rap, and rock ‘n’ roll. In fact, many of the songs here show that Louis Jordan could be seen as a bridge between jazz and rock ‘n’ roll.


* The Popular Music Collection (PMC) is located in Kanazawa Institute of Technology’s Library Center, and is the home of 270,000 donated and catalogued LPs, which are available for listening.


James Taylor

James Taylor presents ‘Lost in Music’ at 5.30 PM on the third Tuesday of every month.




 11:15~13:30  FM-N1開局27周年特番「いま新しい海へ~未来に帆を張れ水夫たち」

         パーソナリティ:嶋健太郎、保志場菜奈 インタビュアー:橋本伸行、中島望

 16:00~17:00  それぞれの岬めぐり~追憶のメロディ~



 09:00~11:00  新しい水夫達の物語①


 11:00~12:00  それぞれの岬めぐり~追憶のメロディ~(再)

 15:30~17:30  新しい水夫達の物語①(再)


 09:00~11:00  新しい水夫達の物語②


 11:00~12:00  火の玉ロッカーと炭鉱夫の娘


 15:30~17:30  新しい水夫達の物語②(再)


 09:00~11:00  新しい水夫達の物語③


 11:00~12:00  年越しは、ドーナツで一杯やりましょか


 15:30~17:30  新しい水夫達の物語③(再)


 09:00~10:00  伊藤アキラチャンネル①


 10:00~11:00  伊藤アキラチャンネル②


 11:00~12:00 (いつもと放送時間が異なります) キャンパス・アメニティ(再)

 13:00~13:30 (いつもと放送時間が異なります) 季節に歌い四季に酔い

 15:30~16:30  伊藤アキラチャンネル①(再)

 16:30~17:30  伊藤アキラチャンネル②(再)


 09:00~10:00  BIG APPLE IN NONOICHI 2022①


 10:00~12:00  BIG APPLE IN NONOICHI 2022②


 13:00~13:30 (いつもと放送時間が異なります)  季節に歌い四季に酔い

 15:30~17:30  Oldies Unforgettable




2023年 良い年をお迎えください

ジェームス・テイラーのPMCでみつけた!Jimi Hendrix「ISLE OF WIGHT」


Jimi Hendrix(ジミ・ヘンドリックス )「ISLE OF WIGHT(ワイト島)」(1971年)






* KITPMCとは:金沢工業大学がライブラリー・センターに設置しているレコード・ライブラリー「ポピュラー・ミュージック・コレクション」の頭文字をとった略称。全て寄贈されたレコードで構成され、27万枚を所蔵している。





Jimi Hendrix – ‘Isle of Wight’ (1971)


The Isle of Wight is a small island off the southern coast of England, but it holds an important place in 20th century popular music and culture.


The Isle of Wight Festival began in 1968 as a counterculture event of the type that were popular at the time – the most famous was probably Woodstock, which took place in 1969. The Isle of Wight Festival was held again in 1969 and in 1970, each time attracting a huge increase in attendees: 10,000 in 1968, 150,000 in 1969 (boosted by the prospect of seeing Bob Dylan), and 600,000, in 1970.


The huge influx of visitors to the island and the problems that entailed led to the local council banning any form of overnight gathering with more than 5,000 people, a rule which essentially ended the Isle of Wight Festival until it was revived with proper guidance and guidelines in 2002.


This record is part of Jimi Hendrix’s performance at the 1970 festival. Hendrix’s Isle of Wight performance has been released in several versions over the years, but this was the first. It’s an odd record in a way, in that it only features 6 of the 18 songs that Hendrix performed, and they are not in the original order. Nevertheless, the album includes songs from across Hendrix’s career, ranging from early single ‘Foxy Lady’ through to two new songs, ‘Freedom’ and ‘Into the Storm’. The album also contains a version of my favourite Hendrix song, his cover of ‘All Along the Watchtower’.


Jimi Hendrix performed at the Isle of Wight Festival on 31st August, 1970. He died on 18th September, 1970. This was his last performance.

* The Popular Music Collection (PMC) is located in Kanazawa Institute of Technology’s Library Center, and is the home of 270,000 donated and catalogued LPs, which are available for listening.


James Taylor

James Taylor presents ‘Lost in Music’ at 5.30 PM on the third Tuesday of every month.

防災訓練特番2022 11/13(日) 8:00~9:00


『防災訓練特番2022』 を放送します。

放送日時: 1113日(日) 午前8時から9





特番放送中にこの緊急割込みのシステムを使い 市職員が訓練情報をお伝えします。





ジェームス・テイラーのPMCでみつけた!Spice Girls「WANNA BE」


Spice Girls (スパイス・ガールズ)「WANNABE(ワナビー)」 (1996)












* KITPMCとは:金沢工業大学がライブラリー・センターに設置しているレコード・ライブラリー「ポピュラー・ミュージック・コレクション」の頭文字をとった略称。全て寄贈されたレコードで構成され、27万枚を所蔵している。





Spice Girls – ‘Wannabe’ (1996)


Over the last few years, there has been a lot of nostalgia for the 1990s. I’ve been adding to it on this blog! I’ve been thinking about why that is, and I’ve come to the conclusion that there are a couple of reasons. First, people who grew up in the ’90s are now in their 30s and therefore prominent in the media, so they have the platform to voice those opinions. Second, I think it’s the fact that the world seems to be becoming a less tolerant, more stressful place (though I’m sure every generation feels like this), so people look back to the comfort of their childhood.


Everyone feels nostalgic for the music of their formative years. For people my age, one of the biggest bands of our youth was the Spice Girls. ‘Wannabe’ was their first single, and it went straight into number 1 in the UK charts. I bought it on cassette. Their first album, ‘Spice’, also went to number 1 (my brother Ed and I had that on cassette too), as did the follow up singles, their second album, and the singles that came from that album. They even starred in a film. They weren’t just big in terms of sales, but also in terms of their impact on British pop culture. One of the defining images of music in the ‘90s for many people is Geri (“Ginger Spice”) wearing a very short Union Jack dress at the Brit Awards in 1997. Then there was the public romance between Victoria (“Posh Spice”) and David Beckham, who at the time was the biggest star in English football.


With about 25 years’ distance, there are a few ways of looking at the Spice Girls. One way is to see them as a shrewd (or cynical) marketing campaign backed up by catchy tunes that earned a lot of money for some people. Each member had a nickname, which to some people was a way of reducing each of them to a one-dimensional character: Scary, Sporty, Baby, Posh, and Ginger.


Another way is to see them as important in introducing young people to ideas like feminism through their catchphrase “girl power”, the value of friendship as 5 young women who stuck together, and the importance of being yourself, as shown through them playfully living up to their nicknames.


Despite all that, the huge demand for reunion tours and rumours about comebacks shows the Spice Girls’ enduring cultural importance (to people my age, anyway) and the power of nostalgia.


* The Popular Music Collection (PMC) is located in Kanazawa Institute of Technology’s Library Center, and is the home of 270,000 donated and catalogued LPs, which are available for listening.


James Taylor

James Taylor presents ‘Lost in Music’ at 5.30 PM on the third Tuesday of every month.

ジェームス・テイラーのPMCでみつけた!The Band「THE BAND」


The Band (ザ・バンド)「THE BAND(ザ・バンド)」(1969)





ザ・バンドの5人中、4人がカナダ人でしたが、ザ・バンドはよく南部アメリカと縁がありそうなバンドと言われています。なぜというと、よくリードボーカルを歌ったリヴォン・ヘルム がアメリカのアーカンソー州出身だったからかな。そして、有名な曲のテーマはよく南部アメリカのことでした。







* KITPMCとは:金沢工業大学がライブラリー・センターに設置しているレコード・ライブラリー「ポピュラー・ミュージック・コレクション」の頭文字をとった略称。全て寄贈されたレコードで構成され、27万枚を所蔵している。





The Band – ‘The Band’ (1969)


My brother Ed sent me an interesting LINE message a while back. His wife Kim had asked him if there were any albums where he didn’t skip any tracks, or where there’s no dip in how much he liked every song. He thought of 3 (‘Harlem River Blues’ by Justin Townes Earle, Boy Hits Car’s self-titled album, and ‘Ritual de lo Habitual’ by Jane’s Addiction). Ed asked me the same question, and I thought of 5: ‘A Rush of Blood to the Head’ by Coldplay, ‘Together Alone’ by Crowded House (I wrote about them in May 2021), Four Tops’ ‘Second Album’ (I wrote about this one in November 2020), and ‘Z’ by My Morning Jacket, who to me are the modern equivalent of my fifth choice, which is the subject of this month’s blog: ‘The Band’.


The Band’s self-titled second album is generally regarded as their masterpiece. It was critically acclaimed on release and is still highly regarded to this day. Evidence of this can be seen in the fact that 8 of the 17 songs on ‘Endless Highway’, a tribute album to the Band that was released in 2007, are covers of songs from this album. (Incidentally, My Morning Jacket covered ‘It Makes No Difference’.)


The Band is a quite innocuous name for a group. The Band, however, were far from innocuous. They were a group of five multi-instrumentalists who would regularly swap instruments around during recording. Four of the members could also sing lead vocals. The Band were Bob Dylan’s backing band when he shocked the music world and went electric, and they would go on to influence a whole generation of rock, country, and folk musicians.


Although four of the members were Canadian, the Band are often associated with southern USA and Americana, perhaps because the drummer and regular lead singer Levon Helm was from Arkansas, but also because of the topics of some of their more famous songs.


It’s hard to explain, but there seems to be more to the songs on this album than songs by most other bands. There are love stories, but there’s a lot of extra detail in the lyrics. There are songs based on history, but again the detail seems richer than when other artists try the same thing. Perhaps the Band’s use of named characters makes them easy to relate to.


I read in the liner notes of the remastered CD released in 2000 that this album came to be seen as a concept album, as so many of the lyrics evoke images of Americana. This idea is strengthened by the music itself, which encompasses a surprising range of genres that reference American musical history – surprising because the album sounds so cohesive, with no song sounding out of place or weaker than those that come before or after.


The cohesion of such a strong set of songs played by supremely talented musicians is why this is one of the albums that made my list when Ed asked me. What albums would make your list?


* The Popular Music Collection (PMC) is located in Kanazawa Institute of Technology’s Library Center, and is the home of 270,000 donated and catalogued LPs, which are available for listening.


James Taylor

James Taylor presents ‘Lost in Music’ at 5.30 PM on the third Tuesday of every month.




U2 「POP(ポップ)」(1997年)







* KITPMCとは:金沢工業大学がライブラリー・センターに設置しているレコード・ライブラリー「ポピュラー・ミュージック・コレクション」の頭文字をとった略称。全て寄贈されたレコードで構成され、27万枚を所蔵している。






U2 – ‘Pop’ (1997)


U2 gained a reputation as an earnest rock band through the 1980s, with politically-aware lyrics and some huge international hits. By the end of the 1980s their style of rock, while commercially successful, was getting critically panned, and the band were looking for new ideas.


This search to get out of their comfort zone led U2 to release three albums in the 1990s, all different from what came before, and all influenced by hard rock, dance, and techno music. The third album U2 released in the 1990s was ‘Pop’, which got mostly positive reviews on release, went straight to number one on the UK album chart, and featured a string of hit singles: the first single, ‘Discotheque’, was number 1, and four more singles reached the top 20 (three of them in the top 10).


My brother Ed bought ‘Pop’ on cassette when it was a new release. We listened to it a lot and I remember liking most of the first side and not really being into the second half. Listening now I understand why: it seems unbalanced, with upbeat songs all packed into the first half and downbeat in the second half, so the pacing feels a bit odd at times. There are some good songs, but sometimes they’re lost beneath the sound of the band trying to do too many different things at the same time. They also needed a bit more time on production, which they didn’t have because they booked the tour before they were ready.


As with their other 1990s albums (‘Achtung Baby’ in 1991 and ‘Zooropa’ in 1993), U2 made some very interesting musical and vocal decisions on ‘Pop’. They used techno and dance beats, a keyboard bass, synthesisers, and different guitar effect pedals and playing style compared to The Edge’s reputation for echoing guitar riffs. There are catchy songs on ‘Pop’, but not catchy in the stereotypical U2 way that you hear in their 1980s and 2000s work.


The band were not satisfied with ‘Pop’. It is one of their worst selling albums, and they have rarely played any of its songs since the end of the Popmart tour. After the chastening recording experience, U2 gradually found a new comfort zone in their following albums with what is usually described as stadium rock. Personally, after one or two albums like that, it all tends to merge into one. ‘Pop’ is by no means a perfect album, but for me it’s the last time U2 were really challenging the listener and themselves, and making interesting music.


* The Popular Music Collection (PMC) is located in Kanazawa Institute of Technology’s Library Center, and is the home of 270,000 donated and catalogued LPs, which are available for listening.


James Taylor

James Taylor presents ‘Lost in Music’ at 5.30 PM on the third Tuesday of every month.

ジェームス・テイラーのPMCでみつけた!The Traveling Wilburys「VOLUME ONE」


The Traveling Wilburys (トラヴェリング・ウィルベリーズ) 「VOLUME ONE(ヴォリューム・ワン)」(1988年)









* KITPMCとは:金沢工業大学がライブラリー・センターに設置しているレコード・ライブラリー「ポピュラー・ミュージック・コレクション」の頭文字をとった略称。全て寄贈されたレコードで構成され、27万枚を所蔵している。





The Traveling Wilburys – ‘Volume One’


George Harrison’s seemingly dormant solo career came back to life in 1987 with the release of ‘Cloud Nine’, which was the topic of last month’s blog. As I wrote in that blog, the producer of ‘Cloud Nine’, Jeff Lynne, was to have a significant influence on the next stage of Harrison’s career.


At the same time as he was producing Harrison’s album, Lynne was also working with Roy Orbison on his album ‘Mystery Girl’ and Tom Petty on ‘Full Moon Fever’. Meanwhile, Bob Dylan was living nearby in Los Angeles. Somehow, the five of them were able to get together at short notice and planned to do some recording at Dylan’s home studio. Initially they were going to make one song to be the B-side to Harrison’s single, ‘This Is Love’, but after writing and recording the song they realised they had a lot of potential as a group, and that it would be a lot of fun.


They named themselves the Traveling Wilburys, and wrote and recorded some more songs, enough for this album: ‘Volume One’. The song they had originally planned as a B-side for Harrison is the opening track on the album, ‘Handle with Care’. Tom Petty was interviewed about the song in Martin Scorsese’s excellent documentary, ‘George Harrison: Living in the Material World’. Petty said that when Harrison was asked what the song was called, he hadn’t actually thought of a title yet: “I saw him look at a packing crate and say, ‘oh the song’s called Handle with Care’”. Petty also talked about the writing process: each member would think of a line and say it out loud, and the rest of the group would accept or refuse it.


Lead vocals are shared fairly equally through the album, and most songs have more than one lead vocalist. Listeners get to hear some of the biggest rock stars of the 20th century singing and playing together: this is the stuff of dreams!


The Traveling Wilburys planned to record more and even to tour, but Orbison died after recording ‘Volume One’. The band released carried on as a four-piece for their second album (called Volume Three as a joke), but without Orbison their hearts weren’t really in it anymore.


There have been many supergroups over the years, but the Traveling Wilburys may have been the most super of supergroups.


* The Popular Music Collection (PMC) is located in Kanazawa Institute of Technology’s Library Center, and is the home of 270,000 donated and catalogued LPs, which are available for listening.


James Taylor

James Taylor presents ‘Lost in Music’ at 5.30 PM on the third Tuesday of every month.














母親クラブ 『カーネーションクラブ』のみなさんが









